Saturday, February 22, 2014


In 1819, there was a large conflict over slavery. Missouri territory wanted to be part of the union, but because it was part of the Louisiana Purchase, slavery was allowed there. Representative James Tallmadge proposed that Missouri enter the union if they added to the state constitution that no more slaves would be brought in and slaves were set free at 25 years old. The North and South had different viewpoints on slavery. Northwest territories had already banned slavery so they were for this suggestion, but the South say it as a threat of sectional balance between how many free and slaves states there were. House of Representatives approved this but the Senate did not and that showed how sectionalism was growing in America.  North already did not like the 3/5th Compromise because they thought it favored the south and if Missouri was added as a slave state it gave the South even more of an unfair advantage. A lot of the US began to agree with the north’s believe and things like the banning of slavery in the northwest territories, making slave trade prohibited, and having the America Colonization Society sending back free slaves to Africa started to take place. But unlike the North the South became more dependent on slavery when the cotton gin was invented, and they began to illegally bring in slaves. To deal with this the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was made. Before it there were 22 states to the Union and 11 would be free and 11 would be slaves. The disagreement about this was that the North said congress had the right to prohibit slavery but the south disagreed. Also, free states representatives were growing because of immigration and job openings due to factories. Henry Clay proposed the Missouri Compromise and it worked out because Maine was asking for statehood. So as an agreement Maine would be a free state and Missouri would be a slave so there were 12 free and 12 slaves. All the states above a certain point were free and below were slaves, and this agreement worked for the North and South. Although this made an agreement between the North and South it showed that sectionalism was growing in America.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


United states industry began to grow when Northern and Middle states started producing a lot of cloth and iron products. Since the Embargo act of 1807 was in place, the United States could not buy British goods , and the growth of of industrialization provided jobs, ended U.S dependency on Europe, and brought income to the US. British manufactures were sending in their products to the United States. They were leftovers from the war that had been stockpiled and many of the new production included interchangeable parts, mass production, cotton gin, steam engine, and the steam boat. Interchangeable parts, created by Eli Whitney in 1801, meant that items were made to the customers order and that machines created identical parts so items were made faster. This led to something called mass production. Because items were made in larger quantities, more goods could be made in a shorter period of time. This was a large job opportunity, so many farmers left and moved to areas with factories, which lead to the industrial revolution. Whitney also created the cotton gin in 1793 because when the industry started to build, cotton became the number one cash crop and the cotton gin easily removed seeds from fibers. Just before the cotton gin, Samuel Slater produced the cotton-spinning machine, and created the first factory to hold it. He had immigrated from Britain where cotton-spinning was occuring, and when he came to the US, he replicated it. Francis Lowell also took the idea of the power loom from Europe when he went to England, to then come back to the US and create the first factory to produce thread and weave cloth. During this large period of growth for the US, steam power was on the rise, and with steam power came the steam boat and steam engine. James Watts made the first steam engine in 1780, followed by Robert Fulton in 1807, who created the first steamboat. Together, these inventions helped the US navigate rivers and improved transportation that helped with the US industry. During and after this time, trials were going occurring, which included the McCulloch v. Maryland in 1819, and Gibbons v. Ogden in 1824. McCulloch v. Maryland ended with it saying that no state could try to destroy the federal agency and the Congress had the constitutional right to create the Bank of the United States, and the Gibbons v. Ogden trial said that states could only regulate commerce within its own state and Congress had the sole authority to control interstate commerce. Both of these showed that the federal government had power over states’ rights.


Monday, February 17, 2014


After the War of 1812, many treaties were established. One of them included the Rush-Bagot Treaty, which was signed between the US Secretary Charles Bagot and British Minister Richard Rush, and it limited ships on the Great Lake and agreed not to build more war ships. One problem the US faced was that the Seminole Indians and Georgian residents were fighting in Spanish Florida, and the Spanish were too busy to control them. Jackson was sent to Spanish Florida to deal with the Seminole Indians, but against his orders, he fought the First Seminole War by marching into Florida and capturing the Pensacola and St. Marks. Following this, John Quincy Adams talked to Do Luis de Onis and got Spain to agree to the Adam-Onis Treaty. It gave the US Spanish Florida, allowed Spain to renounce its claim to the Oregon Territory, and the US gave up its claim to a portion of the Texas territory it received during the Louisiana Purchase. Lastly, a big agreement was the Monroe Doctrine. After the US and Britain agreed that Europe's involvement in the Western Hemisphere would mess up trade after Spain tried to create a democracy, which disrupted European peace, John Quincy Adams wrote a speech for James Monroe that stated that Europe would not get involved in the Western Hemisphere. America was no longer open to European colonization and Europe could not create any new colonies, and independent nations in Latin American would be left alone.


After the War of 1812, Nationalism was on the rise. Due to the US victory of the Battle of New Orleans, which caused the British to surrender, the death of the Federalist party which had helped to unify the nation, the United States was strengthening and growing rapidly, and there was also less dependence on the British. A major decision was to create a unified financial system, and Henry Clay named it the American System, which caused a greater distance between the British and Americans financially. After the first Bank of the United States expired, Calhoun made a bill to support the Second Bank of the United States. The bill passed and the bank was a place for the national government to deposit money. It also gave a national currency and regulated credit. The money in the bank was backed by gold and silver so that way there was worth to it. The Tariff of 1816 was made because after the Embargo Act, the US ended their dependency on Europe. However, after the war, Britain tried to sell the US cheap goods. After this the US made its first protective tariff on imported goods to persuade Americans not to buy European goods. The North agreed since they benefited from it, but the South disagreed with the tariff. It was 20-25% the value of goods which made the British goods expensive, but unfortunately it was not high enough to work. Because of the War of 1812, America realized they needed a better source of transportation, which led to internal improvements. A bill was created to fund networks of roads and canals, but Madison vetoed it because he believed it to be unconstitutional. In 1806, a Nation Road was approved and construction began in 1811. Most of the roads that were built connected cities, and when the Lancaster Turnpike was made they started charging to pay building costs which became popular. Another issue began when merchants needed a cheaper way to move heavy good, and this led to the development of canals. To reduce shipping costs, goods were pulled by horses. During James Monroe's presidency, the time of his terms was called the "Era of Good Feelings" because the death of the Federalist stopped some of the division of the government and the Democratic-Republicans started to take some of the Federalists ideas due to Jefferson. Also, he chose cabinet members from all over the country. Even though all this good was happening, sectionalism was growing because of the issues of slavery and the American System. Lastly, after the War of 1812, Europe had crop failure and turned to the US for help. Crops were in high demand and this increased the value of land and cotton. To support this demand farmers borrowed on credit to get the tools, and the Second BUS encouraged easy credit and issued paper money. When the Europeans began to become stable, Americans had excess goods which caused the economy to decline. The nation went into a panic and blamed the Second BUS because they restricted easy credit, called in loans, and demanded payment in gold and silver. This crisis was named the Panic of 1819.